We have come up with a new model for a recording studio - it's a package deal that's designed to help YOU, the artist(s),
to succeed in your music career! This is not what you're used to if you've ever been to a studio before - this is a Chicago-style,
balls-to-the-wall, whatever-it-takes investment in the future of your career! You can go to a traditional studio, pay out the a$$,
leave with a CDR of your mixes weeks later, get it mastered, wait for it to be done, send it out for duplication, wait some more,
and find yourself in debt with some CDs you'll have to overcharge for just to make some of your money back.
Or, you can come to The Mattress Factory...
-2.5 days in the studio with Martin Atkins and the Mattress Factory Studio Crew
-Recording, mixing, and light mastering of 4 songs
-Martin's production expertise - including help with song arrangement
-Merchandise brainstorming session with Martin and one of our Graphic Designers
-Free coffee and Red Bull!
-120 professionally-printed CDs in sleeves READY TO SELL!
-40 T-shirts of 2 different designs READY TO SELL!
-A 5 minute video of "Your Band in the Studio" uploaded to YouTube!
-A coupon for $50 a Tour:Smart Plus! weekend for two band members!
And YES we accept PayPal and credit cards!
If you are from out of town, we can hook you up with our group rate at the South Loop hotel right by the studio which includes secure parking!
That means that you can keep some CDs for yourself, sell the rest, sell your Tshirts and the deal pays for itself! Plus, we'll store the CD image
and the T-Shirt screens so when you need more we can do another order for you, and you'll actually be MAKING money from your music!
For more details e-mail info@mattressfactorychicago.com
Click here to make a deposit and book your weekend!